Metallic special springs and special springs: Technical and economic advantages for Industrial applications

In modern industry, metallic and technical springs are indispensable machine elements that store and release mechanical energy, dampen forces or control movements.
While standard springs are sufficient for many applications, engineers and technicians often reach the limits of the available catalog products or standard springs for specific projects and demanding applications.
This is where metallic special springs - also known as special springs, custom-made or customer-specific springs - come into practical use.

The technical and economic advantages of special springs, special springs, custom-made and customer-specific springs compared to standard springs.

1. Technical advantages of special springs
1.1 Precise adaptation to specific requirements
Special springs are designed and manufactured to meet the exact requirements of a specific application.
Standard springs offer a wide range of dimensions, forces and materials, but cannot meet all the requirements in many specific, complex applications.

Examples of applications that require special springs:

High temperatures:
In applications such as aviation or power generation, springs must withstand extreme temperatures.
Special springs can be made from special alloys such as Inconel or Nimonic, which retain their mechanical properties even at temperatures above 700°C.

High corrosion resistance:
In maritime applications or in the chemical industry, springs often have to withstand aggressive environments.
Special springs made of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant materials offer clear advantages here.

Exact spring characteristics:
In machines that require precise forces and movements, the spring characteristics must correspond exactly to the specifications.
Special springs make it possible to adapt the spring constant, stroke and preload precisely to the application.

1.2 Longer service life and reliability
Since special springs are designed for specific applications, they can be optimized in terms of their mechanical load capacity.
This not only increases the service life of the spring, but also reduces the risk of premature failure that could occur when using a suboptimal standard spring.
Important technical advantages in this area are:
Optimization of material fatigue: Special springs can be designed to minimize material fatigue under high loads or repeated cycles.
Improved tolerance accuracy: Higher tolerance accuracies for special springs ensure that they function reliably in critical applications and deliver the desired forces precisely.

1.3 Complex geometries and special designs
Special springs can be manufactured in geometries and shapes that go beyond the common designs of tension, compression or torsion springs.
Examples are:
Bent wire parts and wire formed parts with special geometric shapes, materials, surfaces and precise spring stiffness or spring stiffness. Spring rate.
Double-conical or cylindrical helical compression springs for applications with limited installation space that must absorb high forces in a small space.
Torsion bar springs with defined torsional stiffness for special rotation applications.
Flat and leaf springs for applications where space is limited or linear movements in several dimensions are required.

2. Economic advantages of special springs
2.1 Cost optimization by reducing failures and maintenance effort
One of the key economic advantages of special springs is their long-term reliability.
Even if the production of special springs in the regel is more expensive than standard springs, they offer a significant reduction in total cost of ownership (TCO) due to their longer service life
and lower maintenance requirements.
Fewer unplanned downtimes and longer service lives in highly stressed applications, system-critical industrial applications or in industrial systems and machines that operate 24/7, downtimes can be very expensive.
Special springs that are precisely designed for these loads and environmental conditions minimize the risk of system failures, reduce system downtimes, machine failures and extend maintenance intervals. By specializing and precisely aligning the design to the specific application, repairs and spare parts can be significantly reduced. The special springs can handle the specific loads better and therefore require less frequent replacement, which in turn reduces the overall costs.
2.2 Production costs for special springs
A common misconception or prejudice is that special springs are always expensive to produce.
In fact, producing smaller quantities of customer-specific, individual special springs can initially involve higher costs.
However, many manufacturers offer the possibility of achieving considerable cost efficiency through targeted adjustments in production and through special manufacturing processes, highly specialized digital CNC manufacturing machines and internal manufacturing organization, e.g. special small-series production or variant production. With variant production, different versions of the same basic spring can be produced with minimal changes, which reduces production costs.
2.3 Flexibility in the supply chain
Special springs not only offer advantages in technical terms, but also make it possible to make the supply chain more flexible. By using tailor-made springs, companies can optimize their inventory and avoid keeping an excessive number of different standard springs in stock. Instead, only the exact special spring required is produced in the appropriate quantity.

3. Alternatives to special springs and their advantages
In addition to the term "special spring", there are other alternative terms that emphasize different terminology for manufacturing and customization.

3.1 Special springs
The term special springs indicates a specific adaptation to technical requirements. This term is often used when it comes to a spring that has been specifically developed for an exceptional technical requirement, such as high temperature resistance or extreme load capacity.

3.2 Custom-made springs
Custom-made springs are closely related to special springs, but place greater emphasis on exact adaptation to the dimensions and requirements of a specific application. This type of spring is particularly in demand in applications where standard dimensions are not sufficient.

3.3 Custom springs
The term custom springs highlights the close cooperation between manufacturer and customer to develop a product that exactly meets the customer's needs. This is particularly relevant for industries such as mechanical engineering, where individual solutions for specific machine parts are required.

4. Application of special springs in various industries
4.1 Automotive industry
In the automotive industry, special springs are used in various critical areas, e.g. in shock absorbers, valve springs and suspension systems. The exact adaptation to the dynamic loads and the application environment (e.g. vibrations, temperatures) is of crucial importance here.
4.2 Medical technology
Special springs are used in surgical instruments, medical devices and implants. In addition to precision, hygienic requirements such as corrosion resistance and biocompatibility are often of great importance here.
4.3 Aerospace In the aerospace industry, springs have to withstand extreme loads such as vibrations, pressure fluctuations and extreme temperatures. Special springs made of high-strength and temperature-resistant alloys such as titanium or Inconel are standard here.

Special springs - also known as special springs, custom-made or customer-specific springs - offer invaluable added value for engineers and technicians, as they are precisely tailored to specific technical and operational requirements.
Thanks to their high reliability, flexibility and the ability to implement tailor-made solutions,They offer both technical and economic advantages over standard springs. The ability to meet complex requirements makes special springs an important component in many high-tech industries where standard solutions are often not sufficient.

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Reiner Schmid Produktions GmbH Specialist and expert for the manufacture, production, production, development and sample production of torsion springs, double torsion springs and bent wire parts.

The manufacture, production and production of torsion springs, double torsion springs and bent wire parts is carried out in small series, large series and variant production.
The calculation, development and testing of torsion springs, double torsion springs and bent wire parts takes place before each production.
We offer customers a comprehensive application-related service such as advice, calculation, development and sample production for torsion springs, double torsion springs and bent wire parts.

torsion spring, torsion springs, double torsion spring, double torsion springs, bent wire part, bent wire parts

The torsion spring:
Cylindrical torsion springs or also known as torsion springs, helical torsion springs are widely used and versatile machine elements components in the world of mechanics and spring technology.
The structure of a cylindrical torsion spring consists of a wire that is wound in a helical shape around a central axis in even turns.

torsion springs are used to absorb and release a rotating movement, a torque or a force and to guide the movement of the legs.
torsion springs are characterized by the ability to absorb and release deflections, forces or torques around a rotation axis and to guide the rotational movement.
torsion springs usually have a cylindrical spring body on which two legs are arranged.
The legs can be arranged tangentially, radially or axially, whereby each leg can have a different arrangement. Different spring end shapes can be attached to the end of the two legs, e.g. straight leg, hook shape, eyelet shape, round or square.
The terms "torsion spring", "torsion spring" and "torsion spring" refer to the same component.
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The double torsion spring:
Double torsion springs, double torsion springs and double torsion springs are widely used and versatile machine elements in the world of mechanics and spring technology.
The structure of a double torsion spring consists of a wire that is wound in a helical shape in even turns to form two separate spring bodies. The two spring bodies are connected by a wire, which is usually designed as a U-shaped web.
The legs or spring ends of the double torsion springs are usually attached to the outside of the respective spring body. The force or torque is introduced either via the U-shaped web or via the legs. The double torsion spring is usually guided via a mandrel, axle or bolt.
Double torsion springs, double torsion springs and double torsion springs are used to absorb or release a rotating movement, torque or force. Double torsion springs are characterized by the ability to absorb or release deflections, forces or torques around a rotation axis. The legs can be arranged tangentially, radially or axially, whereby each leg can have a different arrangement. Different spring end shapes can be attached to the end of the two legs, e.g. straight leg, hook shape, eyelet shape, round or square.
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The wire bent part:
In practical use, standardized wire bent parts such as spring rings, snap rings, retaining rings, clips, pins, etc. are found. A paper clip or a staple clip also belongs to the wire bent parts, wire form springs and bent parts.
However, in practical use, non-standardized, individual, application-specific designed wire bent parts are mostly used. Wire form springs and bent parts are used.
The focus is on the function of the component: e.g. securing, protecting, holding, positioning, clamping or springing.
Wire form springs, wire form springs and bent parts made of spring steel wire are important components in various industries and applications. Bent wire parts are special machine elements that usually have springy properties.
They are made into a specific shape by bending wire and offer a variety of advantages in terms of flexibility, cost-effectiveness and functionality.
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